Here are two logos I have recently animated. What you are seeing here is a video sample but these were created as SWF flash animations and so when they feature on my customers web pages I have created them so that the characters and elements are on a endless loop, so that they continue to wave, blink, sparkle, etc, for as long as they appear on the page.
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Monday, 4 July 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Take That Progress finished

I started this picture a couple of months ago, in fact you can see when I started it because I posted up the original sketch work for it on here. I've had a lot of projects on the go recently so this fell by the way side until I noticed it in my sketch folder, so over the weekend I've final gotten this finished.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
E4 television channel ident in progress
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Thursday, 28 April 2011
The Bar Stewards animation
It's been a very busy week but each night I've been doing the final designs for each of the Bar Steward characters who will appear in the poster I am producing for my animation proposal. Here are what have been completed so far and today I will finish off the mother, father, sister designs, then by the weekend I will have them all put together in their finished pose together. So that will be one design completed, but my partner and I have five more to go, two more cartoon ones, and three 3D ones.

Thursday, 21 April 2011
Work this week

I've been working on lots of logo's this week, and I've still got quite a few to get done but here is one that I am really pleased with. Today I will also be animating this and I will post up how that looks as soon as I can.

Also this week I've started work on producing the character designs for an animation show that I am working on with my design partner at LOOK animation. We are actually working on 6 proposals in total, ideas which range from 3D based children programs to cartoons that would be targeted at teens +. Here are some examples of the initial sketch work for one of those ideas and over the next three weeks I'll hopefully get up all of the finished designs for each idea and examples of their progress. The artwork below is for Memoirs of a bar steward, which would be for viewers who enjoy shows such as Family Guy, South Park and King of the Hill.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Two great books about Disney
A few weeks ago I finished the Bob Thomas biography about Walt Disney, which I thought was a fascinating read about how one man (well two, he couldn't have done it without his lifetime partner and brother Roy O Disney) took his garage business and turned it into a billion dollar empire, which was purely down to his willingness to take great risks, which obviously reaped great rewards.
Obviously the Disney story didn't end with Walt's death and it went on to have a second golden age in the early 90's, which I would say started with the Little Mermaid, hit it peak with The Lion King and probably ended with Hercules (Maybe before, though I think that is a better film than it was credited for). So I found a second book called Disney War which I am half way through, which I think is a brilliant read also. A little slow to start, mainly because in a corporate board ran company there are a lot of people to get familiar with but once you understand who the main players are, and how they all pretty much stab each other in the back like medieval royalty, it makes for another fascinating read.
In the beginning I was just looking to read good books about animation, but the story behind this power company has kept me enthralled and I highly recommend both books
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
MKP Animated logo completed
I've just finished up the animation for the MKP Entertainment logo I have been working on. This was created as a flash file but I've also converted it to a Quicktime file, which is what you can see here below.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
MKP Animation in progress
I'm almost finished my latest animation logo for the entertainment agency MKP. I've blocked in all the main actions sequences and now I've just got to finish off the inbetween stages. For this animation I want to create a lot more traditional stretch and bounce, like you would see in a Chuck Jones cartoon. I'll upload the completed animation as soon as it is completed.
Friday, 18 March 2011
Sausage steve
I've completed the first of two new animated logos Ive been working on. Here's Sausage steve, just working on the MKP one now. These have been created for the use on my clients webpages but they could also be used at the start of showreels and on promotional videos.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Another day another logo

This is another animated logo in the works. First I create the sketch logo (as seen above) which shows my client the direction I propose to take there design in. Sometimes I get what the client wants in my first draft, sometimes it might take a couple of redraws but once you have that first visual we can discuss what is working and what isn't and it gives me a stronger idea when producing follow up concepts. Once I have a concept that the client likes I then go ahead and produce it as a digital vector graphic and when the client okay's that as well it is then time to move onto the animation, where I will break the image down in many different elements ready to animate (see previous posts for examples of this)
Monday, 14 March 2011
Latest logo work
New site coming soon

I'm just working on a new website in between projects. My logo portfolio page needs bringing into line with the brand image I have developed and I am setting up a mother site (LOOK Creative Studio) which is the main menu page that branches off for my logo, animation, 3D dedicated pages.
I've created some new Flash contents for the main page and I will hopefully have the new site up this week.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Animation in progress: Part 3 (Argh)
I must get tattoo'd to my hand 'REMEMBER TO SAVE' because why is it your computer decides to randomly crash out of the blue when you find yourself so immerse in what you are doing that you have not pressed save, like you should religiously do often!
Just finished the last of the six animations I've been working on. Next I need to give my webpage the makeover I've been meaning to do (but been too busy to) for months and then I will start on the next animation projects Ive got lined up.

Thursday, 24 February 2011
Celebrity caricature in progress part 2
Flash animation in progress part 2
I'm almost finished work on the six commercial animations I have been producing this week. Here are some examples of the last one I'm working on. Before I do anything on the computer I first have to come up with an idea and then storyboard how I think it should happen. That storyboard is then given to the people I am working for and then they get back to me with any changes they think are necessary. When I first started animating I just emailed what I was going to animate, something simple like 'The anteater picks up some flowers and he sneezes, blowing them all over the screen' and then I'd go off and animate it, but then I would have to make changes when there was something in the sequence that wasn't favored, which was very time consuming, so a lesson learnt. I'm completely self taught so I never had the correct course of action pointed out to me. Nowadays I storyboard everything first so that any major issues can be ironed out before hand.
Once I know exactly what is happening I can then get to designing the scenery, props and all the different elements that will make up a character, from arms and legs, to winks and grins. Most of the time I will vector the image completely in Flash but if there is a lot of detail to design I will ink out a picture by hand, live trace it in Illustrator and then convert the vectors into Flash to be coloured and broken down into separate symbols and layers.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Monday, 21 February 2011
Celebrity caricature in progress

Here's a pencil sketch I've done of Take That. The purpose of this is that I'm gonna get this inked and coloured and use it for my caricature portfolio. As soon as I've got the next stages complete I will get it uploaded, though I might not get around to that until next week as I'm currently working on 6 new TV commercials.
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